Dec 7, 2013

Uni Life

Like I said in my last post I've been really busy, I still have lots of school work to do and I've been trying to do my best at all of them. I still have two more weeks to go!! I'm mentally exhausted, I've been worrying about getting good grades, I'm stressed and my body hurts.
I just can't wait to be over with this semester so I can relax (maybe do some yoga), start reading the new Rick Riordan book "House of Hades" (its been on my nightstand for two weeks, calling me), maybe I'll catch up with my favorite shows and of course, eat lots of Christmas food.
And if you actually read my posts and you actually look forward to my next post, please bare with me! I'm still new to this and I've been trying my best to post at least once a week.

Karla xx

P.s.: my laptop hasn't been working for the last two weeks so I've been waiting for a kind human being to let me use their computer (and yes, I'm talking about my family).

P.s. 2.:  I'm thinking of starting this "series" of posts where I update you guys on what I've been up to every week, but don't worry, I will still make other posts like the ones I've done so far.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Can't wait to see more :)
    I also wanted to start reading that book!

    Nathan from the U.S. |
