Jan 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year lovely people! I hope you had an amazing NYE with the one you love and care about. Unlike most people, I spent my NYE at home catching up with all the shows I like before the winter premiere starts next week and today at my grandma’s house playing cards with her and my siblings.

I'm not going to be like lots of people saying 2013 was the best year of my life, I'm not going to lie, it was pretty good to me, kind of; I graduated from high school and started university, I started this blog, I got my license but most importantly  I've grown as a person, I learned to accept myself as I am, I’m more confident and I don't pay as much attention at the bad things that people say as I used to, I think more positively, something I didn’t do much on 2012.

Honestly I’m really excited for this New Year and I cannot imagine what is going to happen but I can't wait to experience new things, meet new people and discover more things about myself that would help me become who I want to be.  
I used to make superficial resolutions like: get a boyfriend, get more money to buy shoes, etc., but I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t need those things to be happy so I decided to have realistic resolutions for 2014, things that would make me grown as person and would guide me on the road to achieve my goals and dreams.

My 2014 resolutions:
  • Ok, so this one is always going to be on my resolutions, year after year, until I end ALL my studies. Get good grades and lucky for me I never fail on this one.
  • Get out of my comfort zone, just a little; I don’t have to go cray cray.
  • Take every opportunity I’m given, I realized I can’t keep saying no to all the chances I’m given because even if it goes wrong I’ll learn something from it and it would make more wiser.
  • Be more sociable, you probably don’t know this but I’m very introvert. It wouldn’t be bad to be a little more extrovert sometimes.
  • Be more healthy, last year I said I was going to be more healthy and I kind of achieved that but it won’t kill me to try (again), not after all I’ve eaten on the holidays. In this part comes the part of exercising, and this is something I definitely I should do more.
  • Use more my social medias (twitter, instagram), I already use my tumblr tumblr2 too much. this also includes blogging more.
  • And last but not least, keep going! No matter what happens.

I hope you had a wonderful day and have an incredible 2014; hopefully you guys will stay around to share it with me.
Till next week,
