Nov 23, 2013

Christmas recital

Today was my little (not so little) brother Christmas recital. He played a few songs with some of his mates from his guitar classes. And I decided I was gonna show you what I wore: creamy tank top from Delia’s, black leggings, a jacket just in case I got cold, ankle booties and a “clutch” from Iscuo.

 Hope you enjoy!

P.S.:I’m sorry for the bad quality photos, my little sister took them with my phone & sorry for the awkward modeling, I’m not a model, I’m getting started on all these “let’s do a photo shoot of my outfit for my blog” kind of thingy. 

Nov 18, 2013


If you read my last post you probably know I said I was gonna spend the weekend thinking what to write about, but I spend the whole weekend procrastinating and thinking ideas for future posts (ok, I did think of some ideas) instead of doing my homework. Since that’s all I did in the weekend I decided to tell you some of my favorite ways to procrastinate:
  • Go on tumblr. This is probably the queen of procrastination. People are often like “I’m only gonna be here for an hour” and then when you realize, its 2 am already.  And yes, this happens to me (almost every night).
  • Go on YouTube. If you’re not an addict to the internet (like myself) you’ll probably be thinking “how is YouTube a way of procrastination?” Well, let me tell you, it is. YouTube it’s kind of like tumblr, you can get addicted easily. You go to watch 1 video and end up watching a lot more that one little video.
  •  Go on Netflix and watch your favorite shows and movies. This one is not gonna be exactly a waste of time since you will enjoy it but you probably stopped doing something to do this. So, it’s still procrastination.
  • Go on twitter. That way you can see what all your favorite celebrities are doing and stuff. You will probably spend hours scrolling through your timeline. Or go on instagram, you will spend hours watching pictures of this people, but be careful; you don’t want to like something by mistake.
  • Go on facebook, if you still use it, and see what people you actually know are doing.

 And last but not least,
  •  Spend your time writing posts for your blog or making videos for your channel. It will productive for you and your brain but it might not be so productive for your grades.

Nov 15, 2013


Hello lovely people! As you can probably tell by the sidebar my name is Karla. I’m a fashion design student living in the Caribbean, Dominican Republic to be more exact.
For a long time I’ve been wanting to start a blog but my mind would always be like “what are you gonna talk about?”, “people don’t want to know about your life” or “no one is gonna read it” and guess what? I’ve decided not to listen to my sometimes dumb mind.
So, here I am, writing my first post on this blog, still without any ideas of what could I talk about. I’ll probably spend the whole weekend thinking what to write about instead of doing all the homework I have.
Maybe I’ll write about some cool things I learn in university or something really cool that happens, I still don’t know but I hope to figure it out eventually along the process.
Please bare with me since I’m new to all this,
Karla xx
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